We are a young, Berlin-based startup with the goal to bring the removal of taboos about the menstrual cycle to the beauty industry. As PROJECT CYCLE, we want to make our contribution to creating an even more open and better world for women*. And we offer the appropriate care products. If you would like to exchange ideas with us or have any questions, please contact us by e-mail.
We don't want to focus on us, but on the idea. For us, PROJECT CYCLE is more than a product. It is rather a conviction and a project to which we dedicate ourselves. The importance of de-tabooing the menstrual cycle and revolutionizing the beauty industry are the goals here. That's why we see ourselves as a project team where the cause comes first.
The idea behind PROJECT CYCLE
The menstrual cycle is anything but static! Many topics around the female* body are still taboo, which leads to the fact that many women* do not even know about their own body: Many people are often unaware of the effects hormonal fluctuations can have on their body and psyche. We therefore want to educate and sensitize for these topics in order to create a world without taboos around the menstruation.
Our vision
We have a vision of a world without taboos. We want an enlightened society in which there is no discrimination based on appearance, origin, preferences, social sex (gender) or biological sex (sex). We want to be part of the enlightenment and carry the de-tabooization of the menstrual cycle further into the beauty sector.
The mission behind PROJECT CYCLE
Our mission is therefore to help you better understand and accept your menstrual cycle and thus make your live easier! With our products, we want to support your skin during the menstrual cycle by placing it at the center of product development.
ESG & Partnerships
The choice of partners already reflects an initial component of the company's own ESG strategy (sustainability - environment, social, governance). In the selection of partners, particular attention was paid to sourcing as much as possible within Germany and, where this was not possible, to fall back on European partners.
In addition to these environmental aspects (E from ESG), the idea of de-tabooing the period and breaking with the "blame game" of the established cosmetics suppliers is the cornerstone of the social aspects of the ESG strategy.

Our contribution to a more sustainable world
Goal 5: Gender equality
Our products promote the thematization and de-tabooization of the menstrual cycle and associated terms such as "period" or "menstruation". In this way, we not only create awareness but also support women* with problems that can arise due to the menstrual cycle. In this way, we want to contribute to gender equality.
Learn more about the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations (UN) on the website 17goals.com.